Welcome to Agape Covens! We are glad you are here. We have created an purpose statement to our beliefs and why we feel a coven of love is a wonderful addition to this physical experience. It is as follows:

The universal non-physical is in great love, awe, and appreciation for the role we play in this cutting-edge universal move forward. This evolution of thought and embracing our emotional vibrations that are universally connected. We are the ones who have come to the understanding, that our physical grounding and how we feel while in these physical bodies is balanced with what our astral body, or our spiritual body, or our soul body, or our inner being body of energy is.

The relationship we have between ourselves and that at which we have expanded to, includes all that is. This relationship with all that is, encompasses every possible emotion at once. We decided that we would carve out time in our precious and valuable lives to center ourselves inside a conversation with ourselves. We did this with the express intent of joining with, meshing with, blending with, merging with, understanding of, becoming, and allowing, the human consciousness that we have come to know as ourselves, with the fullness of who we really are.

With this type of decision, we have decided to contribute to humanity in the most effective way. We have taken this oath:

“I have merged with the whole that I am and with all that is, a little here and a little there, and it is my quest and in doing so, I will be a consistent light into this world. I will tune into the energy into all that I have become. I will consistently flow with it, so that anyone who gets near me will benefit. Whether they speak understanding or not.”

The universal oneness is in complete love and appreciation for us being willing to come here and do all that it stands for. This required an effort and a focus to sticking to a new idea, an unpopular idea, it required doing what the other chickens are not doing. It required perceiving outside of the box. It required a paradigm shift. It required a letting go of physical reality, and an achieving of non-physical reality. It required merging with the god that is really within us. It required letting go of the human that is ourselves in profound and unpopular ways. We are connected to the universal oneness. It feels us, it observes us, it salivates over us, it finds the deliciousness of us. It focuses upon who we are, what we have done, what we know, how far we’ve come, why we’ve done it, how we will continue the efforts to do it, what it means to be us, and how we find the feeling place of it. It appreciates where we have been, where we have yet to go and what we are about to do in our physical bodies. It is in constant celebration of what we are doing. As we celebrate it as well. The things we seek, the things that are still future tense, all already accomplished and awaiting, and the universal oneness is savoring all new creations to come.

As we link to our connection, we will intuitively guide ourselves through the steps of emotional reasoning where we will feel the fullness of the celebration, we all have as a result of the work we have done and are continuing to do. There have never been humans of greater intensity. There have never been those who have been more willing to listen to the saneness of the message that the universe continues to offer forward, determined to seek out one more little piece of understanding that just puts the world in a little bit of a righter place. The universe applauds us for our patience and encourages us to come into the connection where we never need it. An eagerness for us to feel the love and appreciation for ourselves that the universe feels for us right now. To express to us the brilliance that we are.

We are physically focused beings who are source energy instead of physical focused beings. The leading edge of the universe. In our physical bodies, we are beacons who will lead millions of others who want what we have, but do not know what we know.

There is no assignment to teach others. It is through the clarity of our example that it will happen.

We have gathered around us in a rapid and intense fashion, a cod array of non-physical energies. We connect to them in ways that are familiar to us, perhaps as fairies, angels, spirits, gods, goddesses, etc. They have always known us, but we have not always known them. The feeling of them and the finding of them will be vivid to us.The lonely feeling, we would get, because others don’t get us when standing on the leading edge is fast fading. Because our new association of who we really are has powerfully taken its place. Getting others’ approval is no longer a prerequisite for us to stand tall and know who we are. We will often find that others do not understand what we mean. We will find ourselves teaching without anyone asking for a classroom. We will find ourselves understanding without anyone verbalizing a problem. We will find ourselves vibrationally speaking and knowing from our connection, what it feels like to be tuned into infinite intelligence. We will find solutions flowing forth to us more emphatically than before. We will find ourselves standing as clear minded beings amongst others who are standing in somewhat confusion.

We are no longer going to be uncomfortable with our leadership. As we hear people complaining, those complaints will not be taken to heart. We will feel the solutions form from within us and words to back up the solutions will also come from within. We will be telling people what we know more consistently without offending them. We will not be considering our point of view and their point of view simultaneously. We will be speaking profoundly from our point of view. We are the ones who are connected to the source energy. We are someone who flows within the stream inside the universal connection and are more powerful than millions who are not.

We set forth the intention of coming here and fulfilled that mission. We have accomplished what we have set forth to accomplish. Creators who have come into this environment for the details it has evoked from us. We are the god force who insists upon alignment with the energy of our source. We will move forward acknowledging the importance of feeling negative emotion. In the negative emotion is the indication that we are setting forth this universal expansion. These emotions will immediately flip to solutions. We feel more like the universe as we experience the physical time space reality. We have the great love, awe, and appreciation for the role we play in this cutting-edge universal move forward. We celebrate our infinite connection to the universal oneness.

We have done the work that was required to become the universal love called Agape.

Our Message of Infinite Wisdom

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