If someone is able to be quick witted and have a provoking intellectual response to every situation, do we judge them and condemn them out of our own feelings of ignorance?

Are we too prideful and arrogant to learn from all, no matter their age, gender, culture, or background?

Are we afraid of being vulnerable and exposed by looking someone in the eyes while communicating from our soul?

Are we made uncomfortable by those who refuse to play the popular game of pretending to be stupid, ignorant and incapable? Someone who stands confident and proud in their innate understanding of the world and high intelligence.

When someone who genuinely cares for the plight of the human condition and knows that they can help us live a happy life with their intuition and gifts, do we scoff at them and accuse them of being a charlatan for introducing a different method than what is generally accepted practiced.

When we throw false accusations and gossip at a person to discriminate them publicly, and they are clear minded enough to expose our antics for the insecurities and charade that they are.

In actuality we are misanthropes because we wish to be just like them.

Those people appear fearless and perfect for simply boldly living their own lives without others input.

Some provoking thoughts to ask ourselves. If we free ourselves of our insecurities, self- doubt, and cages we put ourselves in, we can begin to allow those very people we project our hatred onto, to help us.


Love Kristi, High Priestess of Agape Covens

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