Making The World A Better Place
As many pillars of the community have added their opinions of what is happening in our communities today, we would like to ease your concerns and offer our opinion as well. Our opinion is based on our values we hold for the community we serve. Keep in mind this is just our opinion based on the values we hold.
Recently national attention has been given to what appears to be evidences of racism. When racism rears its ugly head it often has devastating effects. These things have no place in our society. Let us share with you what we stand for as a pillar in our community:
We believe the vast majority of Americans do not hold racial bias, especially amongst our law enforcement personnel. Most of our police officers and other law enforcement officers got into that profession because they are good people who wish to serve and protect everyone with loyalty and compassion. Unfortunately, the small minority who have racist beliefs give the others a bad name and make a very difficult job even more dangerous than it should be. Because those few who do hold these prejudices are in a position of power their actions can have devastating, even lethal consequences, which makes racism appear more prominent than it really is amongst law enforcement.
We believe the actions by the few who hold these prejudicial views are ample evidence to the world that racism, in all its forms, is immoral and wrong.
We believe when anyone exercises their racist belief by persecuting or illegally discriminating against others they should be prosecuted.
We believe when anyone is denied their basic human freedoms, no matter the color of their skin, their gender, their nationality, or their religious beliefs, it is appropriate and acceptable that others protest and hold legal demonstrations to show their abhorrence for such actions.
We believe there are some who take advantage of these occurrences to perpetrate illegal actions such as looting, defacing or destroying public or private property, harming others, theft, etc. The perpetrators of these illegal activities should also be brought to justice. Unfortunately, these illegal actions overshadow the legitimate demonstrations and stymie the changes which should take place to improve our society and increase our efforts to eliminate racism.
We believe, no matter what our opposing political views or different religious beliefs may be, regardless of varying skin colors, national origins, cultures or genealogies, all of us deserve respect. We all are in this together. We should all love one another.
We are asking friends, families, business partners, and community to keep those negatively impacted by recent events in their hearts and minds. Those who have lost a loved one, those who have been harmed by the violence and lawlessness which has gripped parts of our country, and those who have been negatively impacted in any way; we hold you in our thoughts. As we strive for peace, let us start by showing love toward our fellow family, friends, and associates who care so much for each of us. Let’s express our support for those peaceful demonstrators who want justice and lawfully express their abhorrence for racism and prejudice.
Together we can create a world free of hate, prejudice and racism. Let us bless our nation and its people with healing, love and compassion. Amidst all this chaos, may you and yours, find peace and comfort.
Love Kristi V
High Priestess of Agape Covens
Richard Grant
Wizzard of Agape Covens

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