You know how things must come down before they must come back up? Our world is definitely demonstrating this. Many walls are coming down.

Regulations are changing, major parts of our society’s structures are crumbling, and people are beginning to rethink the world around them globally.

Sometimes it takes a major event or chain of events to get our attention and help us do what we have really wanted to do all along. We have been complaining about our world for a very long time. We have wanted changes in our social interactions, our work structures, our education sector, and even in our government structures. But we never could get out of our comfort zones enough to make any big changes.

Now all of a sudden we have the opportunity of a lifetime, literally! We can build the world of our dreams instead of rebuilding what we didn’t like to begin with. We have had the chance to spend time thinking about who we are and what we want in life. We have the time to decipher what we love and how to create the life we really want.

So let’s get started dreaming and creating the new innovations that will change the world. Let us do what it takes to embrace a personal philosophy that reflects how we want the world to be. A philosophy with Agape Love. An true understanding of loving a person’s soul, not their physical attributes, or their decisions.

Let’s take what we dislike about the world and turn it into a purpose for change. Positive change.

Love Kristi V

High Priestess of Agape Covens

Richard Grant

Wizard of Agape Covens

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