“I have discovered through life that I am closely in tuned with emotions and intuitively can read them and even reflect them to others. As a young child and young adult believed in a type of Utopia world abundant with love, light and peace. But as I experienced more and more tragic events, the reality of the dark and deadly realm of this world hit me at the core of my being. And at first unbearable. I could not comprehend how these humans could be so dark. I turned inward to not look upon it so much. I created a world within myself, another realm of radiant beings and creatures moved by love and that which support and nurture one another. Where love is given and received unconditionally. Turning to this world, my inner god-source, my inner goddess connection, I nurtured my purest potential and communed with this vast domain of knowledge and karmic wisdom I discovered. A wisdom that most keep hidden in their subconscious never to be seen. I discovered the beauty in light and dark. I then participated in the physical world with my new found wisdom learning to live in both worlds. I would become a powerful messenger using my perceptive nature, intuitions, ingenuity, and sensitivities to help others visualize and evoke their archetypal transitions and to journey through all that they face in life and to endeavor to come back home and become whole. To connect with their inner selves. As a mentor I am an example of how I let the hurts and challenges of my journey make me an inspiring, loving and beautiful human being. How this miraculous path brought out my goddess nature. Alchemy. Transforming burdens into radiant possibilities. To find our grace. Seeing guidance in everything and worth taking on. I now embrace my unique perspectives and my dreams for the world. A TRUE SATISFACTION OF EVERY MOMENT OF LIFE COMES FROM THE CLARITY OF UNIVERSAL LOVE, AGAPE. Love Kristi, High Priestess of Agape Covens”