“We do not stop playing because we grow old. We grow old because we stop playing.” George Bernard Shaw


Life’s grown up decisions don’t have to be treated like important assignments that must be carried out with an air of grim determination. That breakthrough ideas and all of life’s tasks can only be created and done in a business-as-usual environment and attitude. That work must always feel like work.

Every child is born an artist creating life as they go along. The problem is figuring out how to remain that artist throughout life as a grown up. We must figure out how to shift beyond mere knowledge to imagination and beyond control to creation. As we become masters of our genius we then must find the courage to play and to do what children did when they knew nothing. A full circle so to speak. 

As witches and wizards we go through this struggle while we are learning all of the ins and outs of the magicians before us. Like any other craft we take on in the physical plane, we buckle down with serious determination to learn it. But magic is like creating. It requires a light heart that is full of fun and joy. One that is free of burden and stress. The key to the long life that many witches and wizards have enjoyed is simply enjoying life.

Have fun planning, practicing,  living and creating magic. Allow it to help you create a fantastical life! Full of beauty, fantasy, and new possibilities.  Don’t be afraid of your imagination, let it roam free!

I live the life of a fantasy as a witch, unapologetically and unashamed. I live untamed, and free. All because that is my dream. What is yours?

Love Kristi High Priestess of Agape Covens



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