The second full moon in the Leo Season is the August 2021 Full Moon — making it an astrological blue moon. A truly unique experience. We usually only have one full moon in Aquarius per year, so the deeper side of the full blue moon relates to revisiting the rebellious and unconventional themes of last month’s big lunation, and finding fresh ways to engage with our friends and communities. Now this is very critical during our trying times with Covid. We have to find ourselves and find very unique ways to connect to others when distance is paramount.

We can use this opportunity to connect our energies with thoughts, and intentions. We can all stand in our own parts of the world under the same great full Blue Moon! Using the same energies and powerful words to claim our uniqueness and intentions on carving out the new world before us.

This full moon’s deep meaning and energies will illuminate our hopes and wishes for the future, making it a great time to meditate on our personal intentions for our own lives and for the future of our world as a whole. Perform a simple full moon ritual by getting ourselves in a peaceful zone; a happy state of mind. We can surround ourselves with any spiritual objects that help inspire this state of being for us. Then start visualizing the future we want to create for ourselves in as much detail as we can. Then visualize how the new version of ourselves fits into the new world we wish to help create. The final step is setting a solid step-by-step plan to get us there. Infuse these intentions into our minds. We may even choose an object or symbol that we can keep with us at all times to remind us of this beautiful energy and of our intentions. We can also journal our intentions, so this time next year we can see how far we have come and how much more intentions we need to add to it. Plus we can help hold each other accountable by sharing.

A neat idea would be to get a painting or print or picture of the Blue Full Moon. Then put our intentions on the back of it. Put it in a frame and keep hung up till next year. When we can pull it out and check off our lists! Ha!

The future of our world is literally right at our finger tips. It is a prime time to have a major say in how the new world plays out. Witches are one to the key components to making the future a better place. As witches have the beautiful ability to focus many energies and beliefs in one powerful direction. Let us concentrate on becoming unique individuals that are creating a peaceful world community.

Love Kristi

High Priestess of Agape

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