What The Supermoon/Blue Moon on August 30th 2023 Revealed To Us

Are you serious?!?

Another ceremony to plan? Another ritual to prepare for? I mean isn’t one full moon a month enough???

Well actually, it was a gift. And who says there must be anything other than what it is. There are no rules saying you must have a particular ritual or ceremony. Sometimes it is just about taking a moment out of our lives to notice. This powerful energy from the Supermoon can seep deep inside of you and stir things up. So, we decided to go with the flow.

Life was busy for our family, but we felt we needed to stop and think about this one. We simply went outside, checked out its beauty and elegance while listening to nature and feeling the soft breeze. We opened a discussion and it led to a deep insight into our journey here on our Earth planet.

Some recent circumstances of one of my teenagers has caused some manifestations of victimization. So, to intercept the members of the family from complaining and blaming, we begin to discuss what victimization really is. We also went into the true meaning of freedom, and how this would be a good time to celebrate where we are in this journey. It went like this.

Our Blue Moon is in Pisces. This can impact us in powerful ways. We will have opportunities to release things that are weighing us down, surrender to the emotions that Life is eliciting from us, and to let go of illusions that are holding us back from growing.

Victimization is an ancient wound imbedded in every human. Every evolution of our human species has gotten a lot more aware of this wound, has gotten better about forgiving ourselves for having our turn at dealing with it, and forgiving others who are still becoming aware of it. It is almost a relief when you realize that everyone must deal with it in one way or another. This means there is support, love and understanding out there when we take on this deep wound. Plus, we can support and love others after we have transformed this dragon into our ally instead of our enemy.

As a mom I was so proud and surprised at how my adult and younger kiddos responded to this discussion. They gave heartfelt answers that of course brought up more questions. But they genuinely wanted to feel better and make confident decisions.

Some in our family are just becoming aware of this concept of victimization in their lives and are beginning to see how it manifests in their belief system and behavior.

Others have been looking inward and seeing the roots and reasons of this ancient wound in humans’ hearts. They are learning to apply new philosophies and changes to become free of this wound.

And there are those who are celebrating how far they have come to be free and to claim enlightenment over this wound.

You see I have three generations of children and now adding grandchildren. My eight kiddos are amazing and growing into beautiful alignment.

We started with some thought-provoking questions. Just to get everyone thinking. You know as parents we do like to plant those seeds so their little minds can start ticking. Ha.

I invite you to take a moment and look at those questions and let them marinate in those minds and hearts of yours.

The Definition and the Role of Victimization

Just like any of us would, they gave a lot of responses of how we are victimized externally. They talked about abusive relationships, from personal to in the work or social world. They mentioned government agencies, and some social systems that are oppressive and need some improvement. They talked about economics and international relations. I mean they really didn’t want to leave anything out. A great big complaint fest! Ha!

Then I began to explain that as a collective the whole world can change all that by accepting our own responsibility for it. We need to understand how we feel we need it, how we long for it, and how we propagate it. Life really works from the inside out.

Victimization is about emotions and is rooted in the solar plexus. The solar plexus chakra is responsible for our ability to feel confident and in control of our lives. It is also associated with our personal power, self-esteem, and sense of purpose. When our solar plexus is out of balance, victimization is one of the symptoms.

To understand how victimization is a personal and internal responsibility, we will define it.

It is about attaching external reasons to our emotional highs and lows. We see our highs as effects and not causes, so we chase what we think will bring about joy.

We see our lows as a blaming game. A chase for someone or something to take responsibility for how we feel.

As I mentioned earlier, my teenager was dealing with complaining and blaming. And his siblings were joining in like it was a party. The energy was high and lifted their adrenaline. As I intervened and gave some understanding to why they felt the way they did, I gave them the internal facts.

All of us on this planet are all addicts of some sort or another.  In fact, victimization is an addiction of epidemic proportion on this planet as everyone is looking for outside causes for our moods. And outside sources to fix our moods. We tend to have the belief that we are all victims of this material world and not the creators of our own experience.

Like with any drug or addiction, it is about longing. When we are down, we want to be high. When we are high, we want it not to stop. There is no peace and joy found in the middle where everyday life shows us its little miracles and massive beauty.

With a thriving hunger, it leads to a never-ending search. A search to fill that hole, or for fulfillment. We are in the belief system that the ecstatic highs of life are what life is all about and we want it not to stop.

Like the love of a gift with its surprise. If we constantly got gifts over and over, it would lose that ecstatic appeal. Our adrenaline is not meant to be at a constant high level, whether from positive or negative excitement. There is beauty in the stillness, in the normal everyday sensory experience of this physical life.

With the misguided belief of finding fulfillment, it is never obtained and cannot be obtained. It is a constant let down like a roller coaster. We want to stay high, but we cannot go up without coming down.

If joy and true fulfillment isn’t found externally, it must be found internally.

When you truly understand to the core of your being that you are a victim of your misguided beliefs, the frequency within begins to change. The magic of living a life of freedom from the inside out begins to manifest. You see the world differently and make different types of decisions. Different people and circumstances begin to present themselves in your experience. You begin to not be blind to inspirations and opportunities.

“In order to escape from prison, one must first understand that one is in prison.”


There are two primary manifestations of victimization. They are complaining and blaming.

With complaining, we surrender our own power when we make ourselves the victim of our own dramas. We take a pessimistic point of view and aim it externally toward others. We drill this into our existence and strengthen the illusion that our life is so hard. All our time was used on externalizing this energy and we have no time or energy left to notice the beauty around us. There is beauty in overcoming struggle, in seeing the bright side or the silver lining as we are going through struggle, and there is a beauty of seeing the love from those who would be there to help and support us. All this is pushed away. We are left with our own self-made misery.

With blaming, we externalize the complaints toward others, or other things and situations. We remove all our own personal responsibility, and we are pretty much saying we do not want to run our own lives. We are just going to let others do it for us and complain about it. There is a lot to say about ‘owning’ our own experience. When all the decisions are our own, there is nowhere to direct the blame. Just personal growth as we experiment through life and figuring out what works for us.

A natural anger builds from this fear of living. It comes from giving away our true power and investing it into others or other systems. It goes against who we are and what we are here to experience.

The Definition of Freedom

So, let’s celebrate how this understanding, when understood at a deep level brings true FREEDOM.

My kiddos and myself were left with much to think about and ponder. But the beauty of that big, big moon somehow stirred up the warrior inside of us to transform our dragons of victimization into allies of freedom.

I welcome you to do the same and just sit back and enjoy the moon.

Blessed Be

Kristi, High Priestess of Agape Covens

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