Mandatory masks? Curfews? Weekend lock downs? Social distancing? Corona cases and deaths continue to rise? People moving to seek out refuge from cities of unrest and low resources? Families cramming together in one home due to loss of jobs and getting closer to each other? People seeking jobs serving critical points of society without getting sick? So many are desperate for friends and leisure activities? Divorces and separations? Mental duress?
This time of permanent vacations, and restructuring of “normal” has brought a lot of internal reflection to many. So many are trying to figure out how to survive and recoup from losing what they had built. It is a time of mourning the loss of staples in our society, jobs, careers, families and friends.
There have been many times in human history where major events have changed how the world functioned. These events brought down structures of society making it a necessity to build something new instead of rebuilding the old. There are two things we are to focus on in order to keep our sanity and purpose.
First, survival. We must swallow our pride and look past the mourning. We have to hustle more than ever before. Be creative, and create opportunities. Trade skills and resources.
Second, we must focus on how to create a society we want to live in and one that keeps us safe. There has to be innovations that can help us live as we work to get past the diseases and wars.  We have to focus on living as one species, no matter any differences. We bleed the same. We die the same.
We have to join together to save the human race. The Ultimate Form of Agape.
Are you on board?
Love Kristi V

High Priestess of Agape Covens

Richard Grant

Wizard of Agape Covens

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