You know, we really don’t know what we have till it is gone, or there is a threat to lose it. We have had access to so many different beautiful things in this physical world, but we have been too busy to enjoy any of them. So many natural landscapes and world wonders. So many marvelous things that we as humans have created through time. So we would just look at them online.

As wonderful as it is that we have access to the world wide web, it is not the same as breathing in the air and aura of seeing things in person. Then there is the pure comradery of being in contact with other souls who love what you do.

Then it was taken away. Quarantine kept us locked up. We all of a sudden craved all of those beautiful and fun places we could be. Then the fears of close encounters with the Covid disease has kept us from venturing out where there are crowds. Then the economics kicked in and the upheaval of those who have become discontent on how the world is.

The physical world is here for us to enjoy and revel at. It is here to help us have a gigantic art pallet to create things. Being here with billions of souls is a wonderful opportunity. So as we recreate our societies, let us remember to not forget the beauty that is here. Let us bring gratitude, patience and kindness into our new world. Part of Agape Love is embracing our physical experience.

Love Kristi V

High Priestess of Agape Covens

Richard Grant

Wizard of Agape Covens

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