Love…the ultimate alignment with self and the universe.  It is the ultimate alignment with the source of who you are with no vibrational variance of resistance. It is the definition of your power.

When it is truly known, it is naturally applied to every part of life. It is a complete focus on the fullness of who you are, closing the gap between who you truly are and the presence of resistance.

But the ‘word’ love has been tainted with resistance. By many generations not getting it, they have associated many negative feelings toward it. Many through out history have attempted to define it and help explain it to others according their audience’s level of understanding.

In this article we will attempt to explain some of our interpretations of love. Then in other articles in this featured topic, we will describe how others have described love throughout humankind’s physical experience.

We will start with using a different word. We will use Appreciation. This word describes a pure vibration. The root of all love is appreciation.

When we are born and first encounter this beautiful place, we are so appreciative to be here. Everything we see brings joy, and exhilaration. Such excitement is alluded from us when we begin to manipulate physical objects and even our own bodies. We sop up the love given to us from those around us. We fall in love with food, colors, etc.

Then we begin to listen to others around us that have lost their alignment they came here with and are worrying. They see the world now through fear and anxiety. Finding that exhilarating feeling of appreciation of every little thing and person again is now the goal.

Our inner souls, the connection to the infinite wisdom, truly lives and loves. It has the highest appreciation for us and for all. We must begin to tap into to that appreciation and that vibration.

Finding that level of appreciation helps us see the source of who people are beyond their actions that show their resistance. Being able to feel love in situations that do not naturally evoke love is a prize of appreciation.

When we reconnect to the vibration of appreciation and love, we have found that true vibration. We can then love with a deeper appreciation of all things and people. We can have a true awareness of ourselves. That way there is no negative vibrational understandings of those around us and no resistance to Love.

Love Kristi V
High Priestess of Agape Covens

Love Silver Fox
Wizard of Agape Covens

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